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UploadedJun 26, 2015
Size2.20 MB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 6.2.0
tag v675
Maev81 <e.dias@live.com.pt>
2015-06-26 18:54:45 +0100
Tagging as v675
- Core:
---- Fixed issue when a top dropdown bar when called the time was less than transition time the bar will not move to center.
---- Fixed error when a encounter ends.
---- Some tweaks.
- Plugins:
---- InterruptAnnouncer: Fixed bad id.
---- RaidAuras: Fixed coloring of target player.
- Options:
---- Added Exclude role options to Raid Auras. Dps is excluded by default. Out of Combat messages are not excluded (ex: feast, repair,...)
- Hellfire Cidadel:
---- Fel Lord Zakuun: Changed RumblingFissure message alert to a warning alert.
---- Gorefiend: Tweaked and made the range window only show for ranged.
---- Hellfire Assault: Added normal/heroic Adds and Vehicles cooldown timers.
---- Kilrogg Deadeye: Tweaks.
---- Kormrok: Fixed cooldowns and changed Enrage message to warning alert.
---- Mannoroth: Added Mannoroths Gaze, Imps, Inferno and Empowered cooldowns.
---- ShadowLord Iskar: Removed Encounter Start for this encounter, it fires on trash.
---- ShadowLord Iskar: Added health markers (30,55,80).
---- ShadowLord Iskar: Fixed errors during encounter with caused the alerts always report the playername.
---- ShadowLord Iskar: Added Phantasmal FelBomb tracking and announce.
---- ShadowLord Iskar: Added FelBomb, Fel Conduit cooldowns.
---- ShadowLord Iskar: Added Fel Fire ground damage inform alert.
---- Socrethar: Tweaked unit tracking.
---- Socrethar: Added Felblaze Charge raidicon maker.
---- Socrethar: Added Gift of The Manari move away arrow.
---- Socrethar: Fixed Fel Prison message warning and changed it to warning alert.
---- Socrethar: Fixed some spell ids and tweaked the encounter.