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  • Uploaded
    Mar 17, 2015
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    1.99 MB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 6.1.0


tag v664
Maev81 <e.dias@live.com.pt>
2015-03-17 17:48:45 +0000

Tagging as v664


    - Core: tweaked arrow system
    - Core: Fixed "replace on me" to playername message
    - Core: Fixed no sounds alerts caused by 6.1
    - Core: Moved Locales to separated language files to be better updated, its located in DXE\Locales.
    - Options: Added options to choose font quality (default, outline, thickoutline)
    - Options: Added more options in "Alerts -> Message Anchor" (messages growth, show right/left icons)
    - Options: Moved Alerts-> Announces to Encounters
    - Options: Added new plugin -> Raid Auras. Toggle Anchors to see the new Auras Anchor and move it
    - Options: Added to "Miscellaneous" two new options, "Block garrison alerts" and "Block guild challenge alerts"
    - Options: Moved Locales to separated language files to be better updated, its located in Options\Locales.
    - BRF Darmac: tweaked encounter and fixed beast heath trancing.
    - BRF Kagraz: added heath tracing to wolfs.
    - BRF Oregorger: added missing event to detect standing on Retched Blackrock.
    - BRF The Blast Furnance: tweaked bomb message, will fully update this encounter in next version.
    - BRF Thogar: Fixed encounter detection.
    - BRF Thogar: Fixed Delayed Siege Bomb detection.
    - BRF Thogar: Fixed trains cooldowns and added LFR ones.
    - BRF Thogar: Added experimental code, when a train is coming a arrow will show where is your next best track to be.
    - BRF Trash: Added Thunderlord Beast-Tender, Iron Taskmaster and Workshop Guardian tracking.
    - Party Wod Terongor: Fixed message errors and added missing events.
    - Party Wod Ancient Protectors: Fixed messages show boss guid instead of bossname.

Additional Files

Type Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
1.77 MB Mar 17, 2015 6.1.0 71