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UploadedApr 30, 2013
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 5.2.0
- Twin Consorts: Fixed Phase 2 message on pull.
- Note: Both Twin Consorts and Iron Qon will have full review.
- Lei Shen: Fixed Raid Icons Marking.
- Dark Animus: Fixed Siphon Anima alert spam.
- Invoker: Added missing RAID_BOSS_WHISPER event.
- Added DBM Pull timers sync, more options to come.
- IronQon: Fixed Arcing spam.
- IronQon: Filtered Scorched Debuff on 25, can be disabled on IronQon Options.
- TwinConsorts: Fixed FanOfFlamesDebuff wrong SpellID.
- TwinConsorts: Fixed some messages display.
- TwinConsorts: Fixed Blazing Daylight icon.
(both IronQon and TwinConsorts will need further review)
- Lei Shen: Fixed Bouncing Bolt Cooldown.
- Primordious: Removed incorrect LFR check on Fully Mutated Debuff.
- Jin'rokh the Breaker: Fixed Ionization on YOU message.
- Dorumu: Tweaked messages.
- Dorumu: Various fixes to the encounter.
- Options: Fixed incorrect alerts values.
- Dark Animus: Fixed incorrect Debuff alert for Anima Font (was always displaying YOU: Anima Font).
- Dark Animus: Added Debuff alert for your Crimson Wake.
- - Megaera: Fix RotArmor triggering Ignite Flesh alert.
- Megaera: Better RotArmor, Ignite Flesh and Arctic Freeze message.
- Tortos: Fix Heroic Crystal Shell (needs testing).
- Dorumu: Changed the display of Force Of Will near you message and sound.
- Dorumu: Added arrow to move away from the target affected by Force of Will if its near you.
- JiKun: Fix wrong initial Quills cooldown.
- Lei Shen: Fix Electick Shock message spam.
- Options: moved option "replace Me with player" from Encounters->boss->Announces to Alerts->Announces. This makes it Global. By Default enabled (many player request).
- - Fix no icons on some EJ abilitys.
- Fix Megaera Icy Ground.
- Fix Primordius ViscousHorror message.
- update
- - 1st version for 5.2 Throne Of Thunder