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UploadedJan 24, 2010
Size802.42 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.3.0
- Options: added a toggle frame anchor button at the top of options
- Blood Princes: Added 10 man empowered shock vortex spell id. Added arrow, raidicon, and alert for shock vortex. Added raid icon for inferno flame
- Lanathel: Added 10 man spellid for essence
- Putricide: Added malleable goo arrow and raid icon marking. Malleable goo warning will now warn up to 1 target
- Blood Princes: added invocation of blood cooldown
- Valkyrs: Shorten Shield of <light/dark> text
- Fixed a typo in alerts regarding absorb bars
- Lanathel: Added pact of the darkfallen removal warning
- Added support for watching power (mana,rage,etc.) on the pane bars
Deathwhisper,Saurfang: Added mana and rage bars respectively
- Added validation for absorb bars
Valkyrs: Changed shield of light/dark duration bars to absorb bars
- Alerts: completed api for absorb bars (for twins). The bar shows the health left on a shield and the timer number is how long until it expires
- Lanathel: Update essence times due to hotfix
- Putricide: Ignore firing unstable experiment cooldown in phase 3