MUFs for targets not in party #141

  • Forge_User_02952858 created this issue Aug 14, 2017

    Is there a way, in the current version of Decursive, to display a MUF for the currently selected target, if it is not a party / raid member?


    A few quests in WoW require dispelling friendly NPCs. Targetting those NPCs causes HealBot (for example) to display a new unit frame, but Decursive does not. Am I missing something in the options screen? If not, is this a feature that could be added?


    P.S. - Trying to post an issue when not logged in allows people to type in the full description, then deletes everything (!) and asks me to register. Then the WowAce button to create a new account (that appears after it deletes everything I typed into the ticket) simply returns a screen saying "Module Disabled" ( I had to go manually through and re-post this three times just to have it accepted (second time said "invalid authentication token" although I had just logged in and been accepted).


    This site is the opposite of user-friendly.


  • archarodim posted a comment Aug 26, 2017

    You can /focus these targets instead and then Decursive should add a MUF

  • archarodim closed issue Dec 18, 2018

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