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  • Uploaded
    Aug 30, 2020
  • Size
    541.16 KB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 8.3.0


Decursive -Ace3-

2.7.7-6-g4d21202 (2020-08-30)

Full Changelog Previous Releases

  • Remove invalid spell ids from user customized spells
    This will fix the error "integer overflow attempting to store [insert > 0x7fffffff number here]" error
    I'm not sure how this can happen though...
    • Fixed leaked global
    • Add probably useless protection when printing message to chat
      "AddMessage" is usually hooked using secureHook but who knows...
  • fix libQTip url in .pkgmeta
  • Prevent looping on failing delayed function calls
    This may lessen incompatibility issues with some add-ons hooking WoW APIs and failing.
  • Delay updateMacro in initialization
    Many add-ons tend to hook certain of the APIs used there and prevent Decursive from completing its initialization when their hook fail.
  • Update TOC for classic