Missing Library LibTalentQuery-1.0 #16

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Assigned to profalbert
  • Forge_User_19205249 created this issue Dec 9, 2010

    What steps will reproduce the problem?<BR> 1. Load game with only ToolTip - LuaTexts<BR> 2. Will error as LibTalentQuery-1.0 is missing<BR>

    What version of the product are you using?<BR> X-Curse-Packaged-Version: v0.7.1-beta<BR>

    Do you have an error log of what happened?<BR>

    Message: Interface\AddOns\Tooltip_LuaTexts\Talents.lua:5: Cannot find a library instance of "LibTalentQuery-1.0".
    Time: 12/09/10 20:38:35
    Count: 1
    Stack: [C]: in function `error'
    ...ace\AddOns\Tooltip_LuaTexts\libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua:23: in function `LibStub'
    Interface\AddOns\Tooltip_LuaTexts\Talents.lua:5: in main chunk
    Locals: (*temporary) = "Cannot find a library instance of "LibTalentQuery-1.0"."

    Please provide any additional information below.<BR> This is a simple one. You have put LibTalentQuery-1.0 as an optional dependency but line 5 of Talents.lua trys to load it! :p<BR> It can be fixed by loading the library with a silent flag so basicly swop like 5 of Talents.lua for:<BR>

    local tq = LibStub("LibTalentQuery-1.0", true)

    This is all asuming that it IS optional ;)

  • Forge_User_19205249 added the tags New Patch Dec 9, 2010
  • Forge_User_19205249 removed a tag Defect Dec 9, 2010
  • Forge_User_19205249 added a tag Patch Dec 9, 2010
  • profalbert posted a comment Dec 9, 2010

    It's fixed in the latest alpha. I'll tag it soon.

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