Bear Sticky buffs not appearing #79

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to stanzilla
  • _ForgeUser3480484 created this issue Nov 22, 2011

    1) "Swipe" doesn't appear in the "add sticky" tab of the Sticky bar settings

    2) "Lacerate" bar doesn't start correctly. To reproduce:
    - check "lacerate" and "thrash" in "add sticky" to sticky bar settings
    - make sure sticky bar is enabled
    - start combat (training dummy?), maybe with a mangle so you know where the bars are showing up
    - lacerate the target once (or twice - doesn't matter)
    - the Lacerate bar will NOT appear
    - Thrash the target and notice that the correct lacerate bar will appear

    - note that when thrash bar times out, lacerate bar disappears
    - thrash again, and notice that lacerate bar will appear again, with the correct time/stacks

  • _ForgeUser3480484 added the tags New Defect Nov 22, 2011

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