Copy Chat Module doesn't correctly parse /played lines #1214

  • Defect
  • allianceTrade created this issue Aug 11, 2018

    When trying to copy /played time from the Chat Copy frame, it doesn't correctly parse the string(s) to text.


    [08:11:34] Total time played: 10 |4day:days;, 10 |4hour:hours;, 44 |4minute:minutes;, 15 |4second:seconds;
    [08:11:34] Time played this level: 5 |4day:days;, 7 |4hour:hours;, 20 |4minute:minutes;, 56 |4second:seconds;


    Should be:


    [08:11:34] Total time played: 10 days, 10 hours, 44 minutes, 15 seconds
    [08:11:34] Time played this level: 5 days, 7 hours, 20 minutes, 56 seconds

  • allianceTrade added a tag Defect Aug 11, 2018

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