Keeps track of current money and other currencies on all your characters on one realm.
It's LDB for your currency flow. This is a continuation of the add-on Broker_Cashflow by Aledara (heavily based on FuBar_MoneyFu).
- Keeps track of gold, PvE, PvP and other currencies, as well as Archaeology Fragments
- Fully configurable tooltip.
- Summary (Characters on current realm) can be ordered on any column
- Individual characters can be set to ignored
- Color a currency if cap is reached
- Current 5.4 currencies
Options panel
You can access the options panel by right-clicking the data button, through the Blizzard Interface->Addons panel, or though the /cashflow or /cf commands.
All localization entries must be added to the WoWAce localization application. When the addon is packaged, the localization strings are taken from the application and added to the code.
- phyber (Fubar_MoneyFu)
- Aranarth (Ara Broker Money)
- Zhinjio (Broker HitCrit)
- Aledara (Broker Cashflow)
In reply to tiomat_curse:
Thanks for the info :) I have added these to the addon.
Hi, I have recently started playing again, I had hoped another maintainer might have picked up the recent changes but they didn't, all currencies listed in comments now exist, as for titan panel, I am not sure, I use Bazooka myself, please try in the newest version v1.7.3.
I'll try to keep a little more on top of this going into shadowlands, but all the comments are really helpful :)
I am also wondering: does anyone still use the old currencies, i'm curious if it's worth pruning the really old ones, like maybe mop and earlier, this would have the advantage of tidying up the ui, reducing memory required by the addon etc
In reply to PrivateSniper:
You have some typos on lines 59 and 60 of Locales/enUS.lua...
Causes a ton of errors, to resolve them I changed it to...
Seems to work fine with that.
In reply to ph34rt3hcute1:
Yup I also spotted that pretty quickly, got fixed in -2 version :)
I don't know exactly how long this has been occurring for but when I hover over the Currency Flow section on Titan Panel, it no longer shows a pop up window with my daily, weekly and monthly income. Neither hovering over or clicking on the section makes it pop up.
i just recently started getting an error with this. If anyone has any idea how to fix this it would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Message: integer overflow attempting to store nan
Time: Sat Feb 16 13:33:41 2019
Count: 1
Stack: integer overflow attempting to store nan
[C]: ?
[C]: in function `format'
...e\AddOns\Broker_Currencyflow\Broker_Currencyflow.lua:222: in function `FormatGold'
...e\AddOns\Broker_Currencyflow\Broker_Currencyflow.lua:646: in function `setCurrencyColumn'
...e\AddOns\Broker_Currencyflow\Broker_Currencyflow.lua:607: in function `addNewCurrencySection'
...e\AddOns\Broker_Currencyflow\Broker_Currencyflow.lua:558: in function `drawTooltip'
...e\AddOns\Broker_Currencyflow\Broker_Currencyflow.lua:705: in function `OnEnter'
Interface\AddOns\ChocolateBar\Chocolate.lua:216: in function <Interface\AddOns\ChocolateBar\Chocolate.lua:186>
to add Titan Residuum, assuming you did all previous corrections regarding line numbers in files...
In locales\enUS.lua
- Line 62 add :
L["NAME_TITAN_RESIDUUM"] = "Titan Residuum"
In broker_currencyflow.lua
- Line 88 (or whatever the row# before the PvP section is in your file) add :
[1718] = {["type"] = TYPE_CURRENCY, ["name"] = L["NAME_TITAN_RESIDUUM"]}, -- BfA Titan Residuum
- Line 997 (or after the last addColumn() call) add :
addColumn(1718) -- BfA Titan Residuum
To add both factions "Service Medal" in Battle for Azeroth :
In locales\enUS.lua
- Line 59 add :
L["NAME_HONORBOUND_SERVICE_MEDAL"]}, = "Honorbound Service Medal"
- Line 60 add :
L["NAME_7TH_LEGION_SERVICE_MEDAL"]}, = "7th Legion Service Medal"
In broker_currencyflow.lua
- Line 85 add :
[1716] = {["type"] = TYPE_CURRENCY, ["name"] = L["NAME_HONORBOUND_SERVICE_MEDAL"]}, -- BfA Honorbound Service Medal
- Line 86 add :
[1717] = {["type"] = TYPE_CURRENCY, ["name"] = L["NAME_7TH_LEGION_SERVICE_MEDAL"]}, -- BfA 7th Legion Service Medal
- Line 992 add :
addColumn(1716) -- BfA Honorbound Service Medal
- Line 993 add :
addColumn(1717) -- BfA 7th Legion Service Medal
Hi guys,
I have a problem with the addons :
I reinstalled addons and I could see that it moved badly since the 8.1 WoW.
Before : C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Interface
New : C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface
Best regards,
Is there gonna be an update for BfA currencies?
Please add support for 2 more currencies on the LDB panel :)
Hi there!
Is there a way to show total gold across all characters in the LDB header? I'm seeing two entries of "Current Money" but the second one just puts ??? in the bar. I gotta just be missing something.
Is there a way to find the "number" correspondence of each "History" category in the WTF lua file ?
Like :
todayself = [17730]
todayall = ?
yesterdayself = ?
yesterdayall = ?
thisweekself = ?
thisweekall = ?
thismonthself = ?
thismonthall = ?
if self.db.profile.showThisSession then self:addNewCurrencySection( "session", L["CFGNAME_THISSESSION"] ) end
if self.db.profile.showTodaySelf then self:addNewCurrencySection( "todayself", L["CFGNAME_TODAYSELF"] ) end
if self.db.profile.showTodayTotal then self:addNewCurrencySection( "todayall", L["CFGNAME_TODAYTOTAL"] ) end
if self.db.profile.showYesterdaySelf then self:addNewCurrencySection( "yesterdayself", L["CFGNAME_YESTERDAYSELF"] ) end
if self.db.profile.showYesterdayTotal then self:addNewCurrencySection( "yesterdayall", L["CFGNAME_YESTERDAYTOTAL"] ) end
if self.db.profile.showThisWeekSelf then self:addNewCurrencySection( "thisweekself", L["CFGNAME_WEEKSELF"] ) end
if self.db.profile.showThisWeekTotal then self:addNewCurrencySection( "thisweekall", L["CFGNAME_WEEKTOTAL"] ) end
if self.db.profile.showThisMonthSelf then self:addNewCurrencySection( "thismonthself", L["CFGNAME_MONTHSELF"] ) end
if self.db.profile.showThisMonthTotal then self:addNewCurrencySection( "thismonthall", L["CFGNAME_MONTHTOTAL"] ) end
I can identify currencies by their number but I didn't find any relevant information about the History
To add "War Resources" in Battle for Azeroth :
In locales\enUS.lua
- Line 58 add :
L["NAME_WAR_RESOURCES"] = "War Resources"
In broker_currencyflow.lua
- Line 86 add :
[1560] = {["type"] = TYPE_CURRENCY, ["name"] = L["NAME_WAR_RESOURCES"]}, -- BfA War Resources
- Line 997 add :
addColumn(1560) -- War Resources
To add "Wakening Essence"
In locales\enUS.lua
- Line 57 add :
L["NAME_WAKENING_ESSENCE"] = "Wakening Essence"
In broker_currencyflow.lua
- Line 85 add :
[1533] = {["type"] = TYPE_CURRENCY, ["name"] = L["NAME_WAKENING_ESSENCE"]}, -- Legion Wakening Essence
- Line 995 add :
addColumn(1533) -- Wakening Essence
If you want support for Argus Waystone, copy the code in #49.
Just substitute Veiled Argunite with Argus Waystone and 1508 with 1506.
Argus Waystone will be getting removed so I will not be adding this to the addon -
Edit: Correction, it was already added, but I will be cleaning up the no-longer used currencies so I will be removing this from the addon assuming doing so does not cause me any bugs, I will test once currency is removed.
Please add the option to show a few more currencies on the broker bar.
I've already changed the addon myself, but it's getting a bit annoying having to do that every time a new version comes out :)
Open a ticket with the way you edit the files to increase that and let's hope the author can / wants to add it.
Direct link to open a new issue:
Like Transitbus did for previous currencies :
In locales\enus.lua
- Line 53 add :
L["NAME_VEILED_ARGUNITE"] = "Veiled Argunite"
In broker_currencyflow.lua
- Line 84 add :
[1508] = {["type"] = TYPE_CURRENCY, ["name"] = L["NAME_VEILED_ARGUNITE"]}, -- Legion Veiled Argunite
- Line 992 add :
addColumn(1508) -- Veiled Argunite