Text starts flashing yellow #55

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  • Defect
  • _ForgeUser1607854 created this issue Dec 11, 2014

    Parts of the text start alternating between white and yellow at roughly 1 second intervals. I took a few pictures of when the text was turning yellow. It happens sometimes and it's pretty random which parts of the text start "flashing yellow". Here are a few examples:


  • _ForgeUser1607854 added the tags New Defect Dec 11, 2014
  • _ForgeUser14133736 posted a comment Dec 22, 2014

    I have seen this too, it seems to happen when you do something in game that changes counts, like complete missions or pick up order.

    The only thing I found, and I don't claim to know add code is in core.lua starting at line 1337 there is some code to set colors from what I can tell


    can be set to red or yellow if capacity is define and at certain points, I can't seem to see where it is initialized and there is no else fall through, so what/where is the color set if it doesn't pass either of those if statements. Or is it set back to white somewhere else.

    Anyway I can confirm it happens to me and seems to be after you open the drop down then go complete or add or something to make changes to mission or order counts. I will try to watch it closer and see if I can see trigger.

    Great Work!


    P.S. When it happens here is where it changes a bunch of text to Yellow which does not flash, but is flashing on missions. My toons are priest so they are all white (masked)

    Edited Dec 24, 2014

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