LFR raid lists are out of order #9

  • Kharthus created this issue Feb 18, 2017

    Trial of Valor is showing up in the middle of Emerald Nightmare.

  • Forge_User_21736626 posted a comment Apr 23, 2017

    It's just a sugestion, but maybe can add in addon (im not to familiar with LUA so sorry if code is bit bad). As i did understand problem is that cant ipair RaidData so i did make modificantion in my addon:

    function addon:SortButtonOrder(DungeonAmountFunc, DungeonInfoFunc)

    --max dungeon count in data
    local MaxData = 0
    for i, v in pairs(self.raidData) do
    MaxData = MaxData + 1

    --shift for case if dungeon is not in data
    local NoDataShift = 1

    --order of LFR to create
    local LFROrder = {}

    --get all LFR from wow
    for i = 1, DungeonAmountFunc() do

    local id = DungeonInfoFunc(i)
    local isAvailable, isAvailableToPlayer = IsLFGDungeonJoinable(id)

    -- if can't join it no point in checking its position
    if isAvailable and isAvailableToPlayer then

    local Poz = nil

    --look for instance position in data table
    for add_id, add_v in pairs(self.raidData) do
    if add_id == id then
    Poz = add_v.sortOrder

    --if didn't find instance asign position in the end of list
    if Poz == nil then
    Poz = MaxData + NoDataShift
    NoDataShift = NoDataShift + 1

    LFROrder[Poz] = i


    -- create position array
    SortKey = {}
    for i in pairs(LFROrder) do
    table.insert(SortKey, i)

    -- sort positions

    -- create sorted array for raid ID
    SortedID = {}
    for _, i in ipairs(SortKey) do
    table.insert(SortedID, LFROrder[i])

    return SortedID



    function addon:CreateButtons(parentFrame, DungeonAmountFunc, DungeonInfoFunc, SetDropdownMenuFunc)


    SortedID = self:SortButtonOrder(DungeonAmountFunc, DungeonInfoFunc)

    --for i = 1, DungeonAmountFunc() do
    for _, i in ipairs(SortedID) do






    -- Emerald Nightmare LFR
    [1287] = { numEncounters = 3, startFrom = 1 , sortOrder = 30}, -- Darkbough
    [1288] = { numEncounters = 3, startFrom = 1 , sortOrder = 31}, -- Tormented Guardians 4
    [1289] = { numEncounters = 1, startFrom = 1 , sortOrder = 32}, -- Rift of Aln 7

    -- Trial of Valor LFR
    [1411] = { numEncounters = 3, startFrom = 1 , sortOrder = 33}, -- Trial of Valor

    -- Nighthold
    [1290] = { numEncounters = 3, startFrom = 1 , sortOrder = 34}, -- Arcing Aqueducts
    [1291] = { numEncounters = 3, startFrom = 1 , sortOrder = 35}, -- Royal Athenaeum 4
    [1292] = { numEncounters = 3, startFrom = 1 , sortOrder = 36}, -- Nightspire 7
    [1293] = { numEncounters = 1, startFrom = 1 , sortOrder = 37}, -- Betrayers Rise 10

    Edited Apr 23, 2017
  • Ghezzo closed issue Jul 1, 2017
  • Ghezzo posted a comment Jul 1, 2017

    It fixed itself at some point.

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