Class specific protected addons. #8

  • Enhancment
  • _ForgeUser199189 created this issue Jan 24, 2017

    Feature Request:  Class specific addons.  Could be implemented with sets.

    Class specific addons would be treated as protected addons when the class is logged on.

    For example:  If the addon Healbot was marked as a Priest class addon, and a priest logs on, BetterAddonList would enable it if it were not already enabled.  For other classed, the addon would be treated as a non-protected addon.


    Another addon which appears to be a copy of BetterAddonList is ClassierAddonList.  That other addon, implements class specific protected addons.  I found it very useful, but overall BetterAddonList is more stable of an addon.  You could like at ClassierAddonList to get a better idea of what I'm asking.




  • _ForgeUser199189 added a tag Enhancment Jan 24, 2017

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