Blizzard function MainMenuBar_UpdateKeyRing() breaks the latency frame in Classic and TBC. #1774

  • Venomisto created this issue May 28, 2021

    I've had this issue since classic launched the latency bar would not be shown, you could hover over the art part and still get latency from the tooltip but the actual colored bars were missing. Anyway with cross-region BG's introduced in prepatch I needed to see the color bars and traced the issue to the Blizzard function MainMenuBar_UpdateKeyRing() that sets a second anchor point on MainMenuBarPerformanceBarFrame. Can a hook be added to rerun BlizzardArt:ApplyConfig() each time MainMenuBar_UpdateKeyRing() is run or some other work around? Thanks.


    function MainMenuBar_UpdateKeyRing()
    	if ( GetCVarBool("showKeyring") ) then
    		MainMenuBarTexture3:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0.1640625, 0.5);
    		MainMenuBarTexture2:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0.6640625, 1);
    		MainMenuBarPerformanceBarFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", MainMenuBar, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -235, -10);



    Edit: I added this at the bottom of BlizzardArt.lua for a temp fix and it works so far.

    hooksecurefunc("MainMenuBar_UpdateKeyRing", function(...)
    	if ( then



  • Venomisto edited description May 28, 2021
  • theAnton81 posted a comment Jun 12, 2021

    This fix works for me as well, thank you! :D

  • nevcairiel closed issue Oct 27, 2022

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