Bar does not move #1601

  • Forge_User_14618761 created this issue May 6, 2020


    i use the latest version of Bartender4. I created my UI like i wanted it, now i want to change the positions of some bars but Bar #1 always jumps back to its previous position no matter what i do. i checked all settings and compared them to the settings of bars that moves just fine and i cant see a difference. no snapping is active and i tried to press every possible key while moving, but nothing helps. maybe this is an issue thats already solved, but i couldnt find an answer. 


  • SLOKnightFall posted a comment May 12, 2020

    @dertotegnom  I was having the same issue but for me it is bar #5.  After a bit of experimentation I found that somehow that bar had been modified by MoveAnything, so every time it was moved manually MoveAnything would move it back to where it had it set.  I reset the bar in MoveAnything and was able to position it again, so perhaps the same happened to you.

  • nevcairiel closed issue Aug 28, 2020

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