Zone Ability Button Help #1343

  • user_33986353 created this issue Sep 14, 2017

     Alright so I'm having an issue where no matter how many times I mess with the positioning of the Zone Ability button it just won't move. I can move the box well enough but when it comes to questing and having to use it, it always shows up on the extreme right-hand side to the point where it almost becomes unclickable. In order to advance in my questing I have to completely disable the addon during the duration of the quest and I'd rather not have to do that every single time I have to do something, and I've tried looking up a fix for it but so far the only things I've come across are people going "dhurr, look this is how you move the button".

    Is there a fix to this? 

    Edit: I'm using both Bartender 4 and Spartan UI

  • user_33986353 edited description Sep 14, 2017
  • nevcairiel closed issue Aug 28, 2020
  • nevcairiel posted a comment Aug 28, 2020

    Closing old issues. If your issue persists, please create a new issue with full details.

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