Residual issues due to gbank throttling #40

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  • Defect
Assigned to kemayo
  • lufunpsy created this issue Nov 10, 2011

    There are a few wrinkles that are still persisting that are external to the main sorting. The Compress, Stack, and Fill features are still getting caught by the change Blizzard made to the guild banks. As compression seems to be triggered by a sort sorting does hang if there are too many items moved in the compression operation.

  • lufunpsy added the tags New Defect Nov 10, 2011
  • werewindwolf posted a comment Apr 9, 2013

    Not sure this 17 months old unclosed ticket rightly fits my issue, but at least it seems to have something to do with throttling and stacking/filling, soo... I'll just add this picture here first:

    "Cautious guild" option is checked and my Timing values are usually on 0.15 stutter interval, 0.30 stutter delay, 0.15 processing delay, 1.0 processing delay (guild). Further increasing those values doesn't seem to do much. Latency is around 35 ms, FPS around 100. I'm on EU and that specific server isn't populated very much.

    Anyway, I keep getting this behaviour from BankStack, almost only when I'm at the guild bank and also not as often with every guild bank it seems. (in Common: BankStack seems to work better on some guild banks than it does on others.) Only using the stacking functionality, so I don't know if sorting/compressing those same guild banks would correlate in behaviour. Sometimes it stops by itself, being "confused", and that confuses me in return. I tend to force stop it by closing the guild bank frame thereas it spills those messages telling me I "must be at the bank" - which I obviously am, and then it only stacks another one or two items (stacks), rinse & repeat.

    Is there anything I can do about this? or maybe make it stop a lot faster automatically when it gets "confused"?

    Edit: Forgot to mention my BankStack's version is 31 and there's no other addon loaded that'd be trying to sort, stack, search the guild bank at the same time.

    Edited Apr 9, 2013
  • _ForgeUser778445 posted a comment Sep 2, 2013

    I do have a problem with bankstack as well sorting the guildbank.

    First I thought it might have todo with item trackers like altoholic/datastore or tradeskillmaster.

    But even when I disable those / set cautious guild and set all sliders to 1 second the sorting usually fails / yet on rare occasions it works.

    Even when it works I usually see a red test "item not found" or the mouse pointer changing to an item in the guild bank.

    I have no idea how to track this down, what interferes or what useful information I could supply.

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