1x BankItems\BankItems-r247.lua:5042: attempt to index field 'Bag101' (a nil value) #71

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to xinhuan
  • liquidbase_x created this issue Jul 23, 2016
    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. Change to a toon
    What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Output is as expected. What version of the product are you using? 7.0.3 Do you have an error log of what happened? 1x BankItems\BankItems-r247.lua:5042: attempt to index field 'Bag101' (a nil value) BankItems\BankItems-r247.lua:5042: in function func' FrameXML\UIDropDownMenu.lua:760: in function UIDropDownMenuButton_OnClick' [string ":OnClick"]:1: in function <[string ":OnClick"]:1> Locals: button = DropDownList1Button1 { arg2 = "Celil of Zirkel des Cenarius" checked = false arg1 = "Celil|Zirkel des Cenarius" invisibleButton = DropDownList1Button1InvisibleButton 0 = <userdata> func = <function> defined @BankItems\BankItems.lua:5020 value = "Celil of Zirkel des Cenarius (Alliance)" } playerName = "Celil|Zirkel des Cenarius" text = "Celil of Zirkel des Cenarius" (*temporary) = nil (*temporary) = BankItems_VoidFrame { 0 = <userdata> TitleText = <unnamed> lineArt = <unnamed> buttonsBG = <unnamed> infotext = <unnamed> CornerTR = <unnamed> TopLeftCorner = <unnamed> CornerTL = <unnamed> CornerBR = <unnamed> TopBorder = <unnamed> TitleBg = <unnamed> BottomEdge = <unnamed> bgTint = <unnamed> BotRightCorner = <unnamed> title = <unnamed> updatetext = <unnamed> StorageFrame = <unnamed> RightBorder = <unnamed> LeftBorder = <unnamed> Line3 = <unnamed> Line2 = <unnamed> TopRightCorner = <unnamed> Bg = <unnamed> CornerBL = <unnamed> TopTileStreaks = <unnamed> TopEdge = <unnamed> BottomBorder = <unnamed> CloseButton = <unnamed> Search = BankItems_VoidSearchBox Line4 = <unnamed> BotLeftCorner = <unnamed> Line1 = <unnamed> LeftEdge = <unnamed> RightEdge = <unnamed> } (*temporary) = false (*temporary) = "Celil of Zirkel des Cenarius (Stormwind City)" (*temporary) = <userdata> (*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'Bag101' (a nil value)" gsub = <function> defined =[C]:-1 L = { Group similar items = "Group similar items" BankItems Bindings = "BankItems Bindings" Show Opposite Faction = "Show Opposite Faction" Options... = "Options..." BANKITEMS_CAUTION_TEXT = "CAUTION: Some items were not parsed/displayed in this report because they do not exist in your WoW local cache yet. A recent WoW patch or launcher update caused the local cache to be cleared. Log on this character and visit the bank to correct this OR hover your mouse on every item in every bag to query the server for each itemlink (this may disconnect you). " Toggle BankItems and all Bags = "Toggle BankItems and all Bags" Search guild banks = "Search guild banks" BankItems Options = "BankItems Options" Open currencies bag = "Open currencies bag" Export BankItems... = "Export BankItems..." Show All Realms = "Show All Realms" Open auction house bag = "Open auction house bag" Equipped = "Equipped" Show only exact item matches in tooltip counts = "Show only exact item matches in tooltip counts" has = "has" Delete a Character: = "Delete a Character:" %d guild bank(s) selected = "%d guild bank(s) selected" Search mailbox = "Search mailbox" Open guild bank = "Open guild bank" Scaling %d%% = "Scaling %d%%" Check to show all saved characters, regardless of realm or faction. = "Check to show all saved characters, regardless of realm or faction." Include the following guild banks: = "Include the following guild banks:" Search bank and bank bags = "Search bank and bank bags" Toggle BankItems Guild Bank = "Toggle BankItems Guild Bank" Show bag prefix = "Show bag prefix" Show void storage contents in a bag = "Show void storage contents in a bag" Show extra item tooltip information = "Show extra item tooltip information" Bags = "Bags" All Realms = "All Realms" Toggle BankItems and all Bank Bags = "Toggle BankItems and all Bank Bags" Search BankItems... = "Search BankItems..." Check to show characters from the opposite faction (includes BankItems tooltips). = "Check to show characters from the opposite faction (includes BankItems tooltips)." Right-click and drag to move this button. = "Right-click and drag to move this button." Open BankItems bags with Blizzard bags = "Open BankItems bags with Blizzard bags" Lock main window from being moved = "Lock main window from being moved" Transparency %d%% = "Transparency %d%%" Delete Data for... = "Delete Data for..." Open void storage bag = "Open void storage bag" Open mail
    Please provide any additional information below.
  • liquidbase_x added the tags New Defect Jul 23, 2016
  • liquidbase_x closed issue May 22, 2020

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