Add lowest bid price to search summary #64

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to merialkilrogg
  • _ForgeUser3368939 created this issue Nov 30, 2010

    I generally prefer to bid rather than buyout auctions, because the bid prices are usually significantly lower (possibly because the seller doesn't expect anyone to actually bid, as so many people buyout), and I generally am looking to buy large quantities of trade goods for as cheap as possible. I currently have several favorites lists containing items which I regularly scan the auction house for, and would like to be able to make use of search summary screen to quickly determine which items have bid prices within my acceptable bidding range. However, since the summary screen only shows minimum and historical buyout, I must click on each and every item to determine if there's something I'd like to bid on.

    Different people use the auction house in different ways, and so perhaps a general ability to customize these columns is not unwarranted. However, I'd be happy with a checkbox within the options screen that replaces the minimum buyout with minimum bid on the summary screen.

  • _ForgeUser3368939 added the tags New Enhancment Nov 30, 2010

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