Display total number of auctions when buying multiples #58

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to merialkilrogg
  • phanxaddons created this issue Nov 14, 2010

    When buying out, or bidding on, multiple auction listings, I'd love to see not just an incrementing number identifying the batch I'm buying/bidding when I click the "Accept" button, but also a total, so I have some idea of how many more times I'm going to have to click that button. It'd be especially useful when I've searched for a specific quantity of an item and AuctionLite has automatically selected the auctions I should buy out to get that quantity at the best price. For large quantities, it's somewhat frustrating to sit there clicking the button and not knowing when it will end!

    For example, if I search for item "Netherweave Cloth" and quantity "300", most commonly several scroll-pages of listings are selected for buyout. Each time I hit "Accept", I see something like "Batch 4: 2g 46s 89c". I'd like to see something like "Batch 4 of 20: 2g 46s 89c".

  • phanxaddons added the tags New Enhancment Nov 14, 2010

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