Azerite world quests not showing up #24

  • Forge_User_80192469 created this issue Aug 17, 2018

    After filtering world quests to show only Azerite world quests, I am no longer able to see any world quests that reward Azerite. This also happened to me in Legion, where I was not able to see Artifact Power world quests. The problem also persists between installs and with the addon disabled. I realize this sounds like a server-side problem, but this addon is the only common denominator I have been able to find. Is this something you can investigate? I have submitted bug reports and tickets to Blizzard, but so far they haven't been able to do anything, and I'm going nut not being able to see them.


    Edit: Using a different addon (World Quest List) I am able to see the world quest on a list but not on the map, and with both addons disabled I am not able to see the world quests.

  • Forge_User_80192469 edited description Aug 17, 2018
  • Ermads posted a comment Aug 17, 2018

    You probably filtered out those World Quests with the default Blizzard UI. Try clicking on the spy glass icon on top right of world map, and make sure everything is checked.

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