reports this bug upon log in #6

  • New
  • Patch
Assigned to merialkilrogg
  • _ForgeUser6090322 created this issue Dec 17, 2010

    Submitted Via

    Curse Client, Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2

    Installed Version



    Date: 2010-12-17 17:49:20 ID: 9 Error occured in: Global Count: 6 Message: ..\AddOns\AlwaysLFG\AlwaysLFG.lua line 89: attempt to call global 'GetLookingForGroup' (a nil value) Debug: (tail call): ? AlwaysLFG\AlwaysLFG.lua:89: InLFG() AlwaysLFG\AlwaysLFG.lua:103: JoinLFG() AlwaysLFG\AlwaysLFG.lua:134: ?() ...Ons\Ace3\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:147: ...Ons\Ace3\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:147 [string "safecall Dispatcher[16]"]:4: [string "safecall Dispatcher[16]"]:4 [C]: ? [string "safecall Dispatcher[16]"]:13: ?() ...Ons\Ace3\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:92: Fire() Ace3\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.lua:120: Ace3\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.lua:119 AddOns: Swatter, v5.9.4961 (WhackyWallaby) NPCScan, v4.0.0.6 NPCScanOverlay, v4.0.0.4 Ace3, v AckisRecipeList, v2.0.5 Altoholic, v4.0.005 AlwaysLFG, v2.1 Armory, vv9.3.3 ArmoryGuildBank, vv9.3.3 AtlasLoot, vv6.01.01 AucAdvanced, v5.9.4961 (WhackyWallaby) AucFilterBasic, v5.9.4961 (WhackyWallaby) AucFilterOutlier, v5.9.4961.2531 AucMatchUndercut, v5.9.4961.2531 AucStatHistogram, v5.9.4961 (WhackyWallaby) AucStatiLevel, v5.9.4961 (WhackyWallaby) AucStatPurchased, v5.9.4961 (WhackyWallaby) AucStatSales, v5.9.4961.2842 AucStatSimple, v5.9.4961 (WhackyWallaby) AucStatStdDev, v5.9.4961 (WhackyWallaby) AucStatWOWEcon, v5.9.4961.2530 AucUtilAHWindowControl, v5.9.4961.3311 AucUtilAppraiser, v5.9.4961.2530 AucUtilAskPrice, v5.9.4961.3175 AucUtilAutoMagic, v5.9.4961.3142 AucUtilCompactUI, v5.9.4961.2530 AucUtilEasyBuyout, v5.9.4961.3583 AucUtilFixAH, v5.9.4961 (WhackyWallaby) AucUtilGlypher, v5.9.4961.2545 AucUtilItemSuggest, v5.9.4961.3108 AucUtilPriceLevel, v5.9.4961.2545 AucUtilScanButton, v5.9.4961.2530 AucUtilScanFinish, v5.9.4961.2530 AucUtilScanProgress, v5.9.4961.2530 AucUtilScanStart, v5.9.4961.4819 AucUtilSearchUI, v5.9.4961.3655 AucUtilSimpleAuction, v5.9.4961.4546 AucUtilVendMarkup, v5.9.4961.2530 Auctionator, v2.8.2 Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.130 BeanCounter, v5.9.4961 (WhackyWallaby) BloodyRare, v1.6 BonusScanner, v5.3.1 BossTactics, v3.1 BrokerBonusScanner, v1.2 Carbonite, v4.031 CarboniteTransfer, v1.01 Configator, v5.1.DEV.282 DataStore, v4.0.001 DataStoreAchievements, v4.0.001 DataStoreAuctions, v4.0.001 DataStoreCharacters, v4.0.001 DataStoreContainers, v4.0.001 DataStoreCrafts, v4.0.001 DataStoreCurrencies, v4.0.001 DataStoreInventory, v4.0.001 DataStoreMails, v4.0.001 DataStorePets, v4.0.001 DataStoreQuests, v4.0.001 DataStoreReputations, v4.0.001 DataStoreSkills, v3.3.002 DataStoreSpells, v4.0.001 DataStoreStats, v4.0.001 DataStoreTalents, v4.0.001 DBMCore, v DBMInterrupts, v3.3.2 DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.275 DoTimer, v4.5 Enchantrix, v5.9.4961 (WhackyWallaby) EnchantrixBarker, v5.9.4961 (WhackyWallaby) EveryQuest, v2.3r163-beta GatherMate2, v1.0.7 Informant, v5.9.4961 (WhackyWallaby) LessrabiTimer, v0.2 LibAbacus30, v LibRareSpawns, v1.0.30100 LibStub, v LilSparkysWorkshop, v Livestock, v1.2.2 Omen, v3.1.0 Overachiever, v0.56 Pawn, v1.5.3 PetShop, v20101017 Postal, v3.4.4 QuickAuctions, v RareSpawnOverlay, v4.2.40000 Recount, v SlideBar, v5.9.4961 (WhackyWallaby) Stubby, v5.9.4961 (WhackyWallaby) Titan, v4.3.9.40000 - Revision 386 TitanBag, v4.3.9.40000 TitanClock, v4.3.9.40000 TitanCoords, v4.3.9.40000 TitanGold, v5.0.1.40000 TitanGoldTracker, v4.3.9.40000 TitanLocation, v5.0.1.40000 TitanLootType, v4.3.9.40000 TitanPerformance, v4.3.9.40000 TitanRepair, v4.3.9.40000 TitanVolume, v4.3.9.40000 TitanXP, v4.3.9.40000 BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v4.0.3.40000 <us> (ck=bb7)

    Installed Addons

    [LootCount] DropCount - DropCount v1.00 _NPCScan - _NPCScan _NPCScan.Overlay - _NPCScan.Overlay Ace3 - Release-r981 Ackis Recipe List - 2.0.5 Altoholic - Altoholic 4.0.005 AlwaysLFG - v2.1-nolib Armory - v9.3.3 Atlasloot Enhanced - v6.01.01 AtlasQuest - Fan Update - 4.5.0 Beta Auctionator - Version 2.8.2 BossTactics - BossTactics 3.1 BossTactics ArgentColiseum - BT_ArgentCol1.4.1 BossTactics BC mods - BT_BCmods1.3.1 BossTactics Malygos - BT_Maly1.3.1 BossTactics Naxxramas - BT_Naxx1.8.1 BossTactics Obsidian - BT_Obsid1.6.1 BossTactics Onyxia - BT_Onyxia1.2.1 BossTactics Ulduar - BT_Ulduar1.13.1 Bunny Hunter - 1.7 CallbackHandler-1.0 - 1.0.6 Carbonite - 4.012 DataStore - r27 DataStore_Achievements - r13 DataStore_Auctions - r17 DataStore_Characters - r12 DataStore_Containers - r24 DataStore_Crafts - r29 DataStore_Currencies - r11 DataStore_Inventory - r16 DataStore_Mails - r18 DataStore_Pets - r19 DataStore_Quests - r15 DataStore_Reputations - r13 DataStore_Spells - r10 DataStore_Stats - r8 Deadly Boss Mods - Deadly Boss Mods 4.64-r4605 DoTimer - DoTimer v4.5 EveryQuest - r163-beta GatherMate2 - 1.0.7 GearScore - GearScore 4.0.02 KevTool Queue - KTQ 4.0.0 LibAbacus-3.0 - WoW-3.0-release LibStub - 1.0 LilSparky's Workshop - 101beta Livestock - Livestock v1.2.2 LootDB - r58 Omen Threat Meter - v3.1.0 Pawn - 1.5.3 PetShop - PetShop Postal - v3.4.5 QuestHelper - QuestHelper-4.0.3a.75r Rare Spawn Overlay - Rare Spawn Overlay 4.2.40000 Recipe Radar - 1.33 Recount - v4.0.1d release Titan Panel -

  • _ForgeUser6090322 added the tags New Patch Dec 17, 2010

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