[FIX] for AllPlayed, work in 8.0 #53

  • TeHbZShadow created this issue Aug 31, 2018

    I found it in google. It's worked for me:


    "I was able to get this working by updating all the Ace3 files with the new ones and then going into the AllPlayed.lua file and commenting out line 386. I believe the minimap_zone_changed is depreciated so commenting it out shouldn't have any ill effects. I'm not sure if updating the Ace libraries is necessary, but I did it anyway."


    self:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED", "EventHandler")

    self:RegisterEvent("MINIMAP_ZONE_CHANGED", "EventHandler")

    self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_MONEY", "EventHandler")



    self:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED", "EventHandler")

    --self:RegisterEvent("MINIMAP_ZONE_CHANGED", "EventHandler")

    self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_MONEY", "EventHandler")

  • gleeder posted a comment Sep 8, 2018

    Works for me as well, thank you!

  • theonlymoo5e posted a comment Sep 8, 2018

    AllPlayed is showing up for me, but I'm getting an error when I try to logout or quit game - error is coming from AceHook-3.0.lua line 95 & probably line 108


    Message: Error: AddOn AllPlayed attempted to call a forbidden function (orig()) from a tainted execution path.
    [C]: ?
    ...ce\AddOns\AllPlayed\libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:95: Logout()
    [string "*:OnClick"]:2:
    [string "*:OnClick"]:1

    Edited Sep 9, 2018
  • serious2 posted a comment Sep 13, 2018

    Logout issue fix is here https://www.wowace.com/projects/all-played-laotseu/issues/48



    -- Hook the functions that need hooking

    self:Hook("Logout", true)

    Replace with

    -- Hook the functions that need hooking

    -- self:Hook("Logout", true)

    self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGOUT", "Logout")


    Same approach to the quit event. What you should get as a result:

    -- Hook the functions that need hooking
    -- self:Hook("Logout", true)
    self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGOUT", "Logout")
    --self:Hook("Quit", true)
    self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_QUITING", "Quit")


    If you don't want to edit the files yourself, I've uploaded the addon to this address.

    It is not curseforge but I am not an author. It was easier to upload the addon over there. Hopefully it or the link will not be deleted.

    Edited Sep 13, 2018

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