
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

What is Queeg?

Queeg provides an easy way for raid leaders to record who is held in a queue and what time they joined. Guild members add themselves to the queue via a whisper command and the raid leader can then track their in-game online / offline status - including the tracking of guilded and unguilded alts.


When a raid is formed and people are asked to queue they can whisper the following commands to the person with Queeg installed.

QUEUE and one of the following commands

ADD - Join the queue
REMOVE - Leave the queue
LIST - Request a whisper of the current queue
ALT - Add an alt to their player profile
ALTS - List any currently registered alts
HELP <COMMAND> - Further help on any command


/w Livid QUEUE ADD

This will add you to the current queue.

Note: case is irrelevant - lower-case commands will work just fine.

To register an alt you should be on your main character and whisper the command 'QUEUE ALT <ALTNAME>'. Once alts are registered to a MAIN character they do not need to be registered again unless the saved variables file for Queeg is deleted or they are manually removed by the QUEUE ALT REMOVE command.

When a player logs off their main character and logs on as a registered alt, Queeg will determine if they are in the guild and look for their online status in the guild roster. If the alt is unguilded it will perform a /who lookup in the background, completely transparent to the Queue holder and update the tooltip with the relevant data. This data is stored in a temporary cache to prevent constant /who lookups.

Players that go offline for less than 5 mins will have the words OFFLINE beside their name in Yellow. Players that have been offline for more than 5 mins will have OFFLINE beside their name in Red.

If you want to export the current queue to an text file or dkp system you can left click on the button and it will bring up a dialog box with the current queue, with each player listed each on a separate line already highlighted ready for you to copy and paste.

Queeg was initially designed as a FuBar plugin but can now be used with any LibDataBroker (LDB) display addon - i.e. StatBlockCore, Button Bin or Fortress. You'll need to use Broker2FuBar to display in FuBar.

To Do

Add communications so that multiple people with Queeg installed will be able to see the queue update in real-time.

Please post all suggestions in the comments below or visit our forums at http://sanctuary.serenitygaming.org/forums to leave bug reports and suggestions.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 31, 2007
  • Last Released File
    Aug 28, 2009
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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