Moncai Quest Tracker

This project is inactive and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. The author may have abandoned it, or it may have outlived its usefulness.

Moncai Quest Tracker

I have been developing my modified quest tracker over the past few years. Each time Blizzard updated it's tracker, I updated mine with it. Coded from the ground up again for patch 3.3 and adapted to 4.0.1, I'm releasing it here so others may benefit.

New release

  • Beta 4.0.1 is live and fixes issues with some quests and adds the option to show quest ID's
  • Beta 4.0.0 is live and should fix (hopefully all) Cataclysm incompatibilities.
  • Beta (r36) is live. This fixes Questguru compatibility, collapsed tracker width and re-introduces the buddy system (at a basic level).

Current features

  • New: Tracker is optionally movable and you may choose to display Item buttons on the left side, see config (/mqt) under "Placement"
  • Tracker shows levels and colors but still stays true to the original by Blizzard
  • Includes all the questing goodies Blizzard has put into the 3.3.3 update
  • If you quest with someone else who has this tracker, you can track their progress
  • Works with QuestHelper 1.3.x, reflecting the order in which to do the quests (version 1.3.10 tested)
  • Works with Tourguide style addons by using built-in proximity sorting
  • Shift-click a header in the Questlog to toggle the watches for all quests under that header
  • Access the configuration screen by typing /mqt in the chat window or via "Game Menu"-"Interface"-"Addons"
  • A few features I have missed

QuestHelper integration

For a successfull integration with QuestHelper, please mind the following things:

  • Please use version 1.3.7 or higher of QuestHelper
  • Make sure it's enabled in the configuration screen (type /mqt to access it)
  • Disable the built-in tracker of QuestHelper, either via it's configuration menu or via the slash command "/qh track" (without the quotes).

Since QuestHelper is no longer actively developed, you may also want to disable the integration and then Right-Click the WatchFrame header ("Objectives") and in the pop-up menu select "Proximity" under "Sort Quests". Tip: this also works well with Tourguide based addons

Upcoming features

For now I consider the tracker fairly feature-complete except for the buddy leveling-system which I hope to extend in the future. If you have ideas, feel free to create a ticket on wowace describing your wanted feature.

Beta, what does that mean?

Oh yes, there will be bugs! Since I am only one person it's impossible for me to test every setup or addon-combination. If you like, please give it a try, and help me make the addon better. Your feedback is kindly appreciated!


Your feedback is important! Please submit bugreports, localizations in your language and suggestions. Have a problem? Please create a ticket on wowace. Like my addon? Tell others :D

Where to post what

  • Bug reports, suggestions for new features and improvements: Create a ticket on wowace
  • Comments, questions, praise: Feel free to post right here :D
  • Please submit your translation updates via WowAce localization. Your help is much appreciated! When sufficient lines have been translated, the language will be integrated into the addon.

Comments on and

Extremely long postings of error messages are unwanted in the comments section and will be deleted. Please create a ticket with your problem on wowace. Feel free to post a comment about having created such a ticket of course!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 11, 2009
  • Last Released File
    May 25, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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