
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


ItemLevelDKP is an addon for calculating DKP based on the item's item level, quality and slot. The result is a price tuned to an item's worth based on what Blizz gives the item of stats. The calculation is based around the fact that the quality of an item will decide some of the price:
     Blue      = (itemLevel - 1.84) / 6.4
     Epic      = (itemLevel - 1.3) / 5.2
     Legendary = itemLevel
ilvl 359 gives:
     Blue      = 55.8
     Epic      = 68.8
     Legendary = 359
This is the factor which you base your cost on. Secondly you have a slot mod which is a factor that deal with items getting less item budget based on slot.
     head = 1
     neck =  0.54
     shoulder = 0.74
     chest = 1
     waist = 0.74
     legs = 1
     feet = 0.74
     wrist = 0.54
     hand = 0.74
     finger = 0.54
     trinket = 0.68
     cloak = 0.54
     weapon = 1
     shield = 0.65
     2h weapon = 1.5
     MH weapon = 1
     OH weapon = 1
     off hand = 0.52
     bow/xbow/gun = 1.5
     wand = 0.50
     relic = 0.30
This is multiplied with the base cost from item level and quality. A epic, ilvl 359 2h sword will be:
     DKP = (itemLevel - 1.3) / 5.2 * 1.5
     DKP = 103.2
Pricing is limited to armor and weapons, but stuff like tabards and thrown weapons are not included.


  • Make a config panel to edit some factors and numbers.
  • Support lists of item priority?
  • Work out a formula for Legendary Items (Just using item level isn't going to work anymore)


Send me patches on either of the channels listed below. I cannot guarantee all modifications implemented into the addon, but I will do my best to expand ItemLevelDKP.


Written by Raut of Exodus, DraenorEU. You may be able to contact him at Updated for Cataclysm by Sanctusvirgo of Equilibrium, Laughing-Skull EU. You can contact me at A lot of the thinking behind this addon is stolen from
Thanks to Lorgoth of Exodus, DraenorEU for input and advice. Also thanks to and my old guild,, for healthy discussions. Based on Lazare of LightbringerUS work, PriceTag. He claims to have gotten code from the following people:
 "Most of the credit goes to Vita's DKP Tooltip mod and
  to Ratings Buster.  The blame is mine alone.  :-)"


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 12, 2007
  • Last Released File
    Mar 5, 2011
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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