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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 4.0.6


tag 2.1.63-beta
cyrila <cyrila@6d6db912-6d5f-452c-a3aa-55e6dd240516>
2010-12-26 02:09:37 +0000

!! Changes since last stable build (2.0.51-stable) !! PLEASE NOTE: If you update from a version earlier than >> REVISION 52 << this update will reset your WakeSpams savedvariables as previous DB versions are no longer supported.


    - !! Changes since last stable build (2.0.51-stable) !! PLEASE NOTE: If you update from a version earlier than >> REVISION 52 << this update will reset your WakeSpams savedvariables as previous DB versions are no longer supported.
    New Features:
    - New UI settings for spell advanced fading. Can be accessed when editing specific spells. "Link with secondary spell" is used primarily for Guardian Spirit and its heal portion. The other setting ("Scan for early fade (cc break etc)") Is currently unavailable.
    - Resurrection Announcements. WakeSpams can now announce when you are about to resurrect players.
    Added Spells:
       Time Warp
       Ancient Hysteria
       Roar of Sacrifice
       Ancestral Spirit
    - Spell announcements set to "Always Whisper" or "Whisper Target" should no longer try to whisper any Non Player Characters.
    - AoE spells not set to announce fading should now properly be reset in the database after being used. Before the spell would only announce first usage, it will now announce any use consecutive to the first one.
    - Tables WakeSpams.Active and WakeSpams.Queue will always be cleared at the same time. No more inconsistency.
    - Howl of Terror tagged as having 8 second duration.
    - Spells with "Whisper Target" or "Always Whisper" as primary output will now properly announce target's name in any secondary channels instead of "YOU".
    - sneaky... announcement bug fixed
    - Added: - WakeSpams.Lag variable at line 54. Change its value if you have AoE announcement inconsistencies.
    - AoE spells not set to announce fading should now properly be reset in the database after being used. Before the spell would only announce first usage, it will now announce any use consecutive to the first one.
    - Tables WakeSpams.Active and WakeSpams.Queue will always be cleared at the same time. No more inconsistency.
    - Howl of Terror tagged as having 8 second duration.
    - Spells with "Whisper Target" or "Always Whisper" as primary output will now properly announce target's name in any secondary channels instead of "YOU".
    - Quick fix for lua errors related to secondary spell output
    - Added: - Secondary Output Options. These settings are accessible in the individual spell options and will allow you to announce each spell in up to 5 additional channels at a time in addition to the primary channel.
    - There should now be no more lua errors from aoe announcements. Ever.
    - Resurrection spells should now properly announce target name even if the target released spirit.
    - Other misc fixes.
    - Added: Spells Added:    Resurrection    Redemption    Revive    Ancestral Spirit - Resurrection announces for every class at the start of the cast.
    Now listening to UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT and UNIT_SPELLCAST_START for target data for spells that haven't been completed.
    - Additions: - New UI settings for spell advanced fading. Can be accessed when editing specific spells. "Link with secondary spell" is used primarily for Guardian Spirit and its heal portion. The other setting ("Scan for early fade (cc break etc)") Is currently unavailable.
    - Spell announcements set to "Always Whisper" should no longer try to whisper any Non Player Characters.
    - Added spells: Time Warp Ancient Hysteria Roar of Sacrifice
    - tables can't be nil
    - Removed unintended debug message
    - Added: - Advanced fading capabilities. Backend only, no options available yet. Spell pair mode is the only available option currently, implemented primarily for special cases like Guardian Spirit. Primary spell links to secondary spell and secondary spell links back to primary spell. If secondary spell activates, primary spell fade will not fire. Uses secondary spell message instead.
    In short:
    Normal fade message for Guardian Spirit is set in the primary spell.
    Proc fade message for Guardian Spirit is set in the secondary spell (named Guardian Spirit (heal effect))
    This update will reset your WakeSpams savedvariables as previous DB versions are no longer supported.
    - Fixed: Spells with the force whisper tag should no longer whisper your own pet. Note: still unresolved for other people's pets. Consider other options.
    Make way for new config options.