detail tooltip for Dispel module #278

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to zarnivoop
  • Farmbuyer created this issue Jun 22, 2012

    The current Dispels module does not, as far as I can tell, have any options to show a detailed tooltip when mousing over the Skada window.

    (There *is* code present in Dispels.lua to show a basic tooltip when mousing over an LDB icon, but that's not what I mean.)

    For example, the Damage module will show a tooltip when mousing over a specific bar, listing the damage/percentage by each attack.  I would like something similar when mousing over bars on the Dispel module, showing how many of which effects that player dispelled.

    I'm looking through the code a little bit but am having a hard time unraveling the API.  :-)   It looks like the relevant data is collected, but then not stored in the running data set?

  • Farmbuyer added the tags New Enhancment Jun 22, 2012

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