Prioritized Buffs not functioning #929

  • Defect
  • Waiting
Assigned to shadowed103
  • _ForgeUser8824046 created this issue Jun 12, 2016

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. In any Unit, whether it's Player, Target, Pet, doesn't matter, go to Auras-> Buffs-> Display
    2. Witness "Prioritize buffs" greyed out

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    Prioritize buffs isn't greyed out, and I can enable/disable the functionality

    What version of the product are you using?

    Do you have an error log of what happened?
    No log, but will provide screenshots

    Please provide any additional information below.
    My use case is for arenas. I want to be able to see what buffs on my target I can dispel, which is exactly what the "Prioritize buffs" functionality is supposed to provide.

    I'm attaching four screenshots. All four screenshots were taken while I was in an arena. Here are the descriptions of each:
    global_target_auras_buffs_general: Witness that I have "Enable buffs" checked
    global_target_auras_buffs_display: Witness the "Prioritize buffs" option is completely greyed out
    global_target_auras_debuffs_general: Witness that I have "Enable debuffs" checked
    global_target_auras_debuffs_display: Witness that there is no "Prioritize debuffs" option at all

    Note that the settings I apply in the Debuffs section actually work. Debuffs are prioritized as they should be, with my Auras appearing 200% larger than others. However, no matter how I change the settings in the Buffs -> Display section, nothing changes.

  • _ForgeUser8824046 added the tags New Defect Jun 12, 2016
  • _ForgeUser8824046 added an attachment global_target_auras_debuffs_display.jpg Jun 12, 2016



  • _ForgeUser8824046 added an attachment global_target_auras_debuffs_general.jpg Jun 12, 2016



  • _ForgeUser8824046 added an attachment global_target_auras_buffs_display.jpg Jun 12, 2016



  • _ForgeUser8824046 added an attachment global_target_auras_buffs_general.jpg Jun 12, 2016



  • _ForgeUser8824046 edited description Jun 12, 2016
  • nevcairiel posted a comment Aug 8, 2016

    Prioritize is available when both Buffs and Debuffs are tied to the same anchor point, and not anchored to each other, ie. the aura buttons spawn in the exact same spot - hence you need a priority.

    It seems to be working as expected here.

    The prioritize option is not supposed to enlarge your auras. There is a special "Enlarge" option in the "Display" section.

    Note that Blizzard defines which auras are reported as removeable or stealable, and sometimes this information is just not very accurate, and as such SUF doesn't know it should enlarge something.

    Edited Aug 8, 2016
  • nevcairiel removed a tag New Aug 13, 2016
  • nevcairiel added a tag Waiting Aug 13, 2016

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