Power Word: Shield | Visibility Problem #2036

  • Waiting
  • wizykemy created this issue Dec 18, 2023

    Hello there, I want to cut it short to make the best explanation. :)

    The Power Word: Shield basically shields an ally target and creates an "absorb" effect on the given player.
    It is supposed to be visible on the SUF party frames, however, here is the problem. It is not visible at all.
    I can only see that when I lower the opacity of bars highly, which is not preferable because it is not playable in that way as well.

    I wanted to test things out. So I changed the color of incoming absorb to something in between blue and white. But before that, I even tried a contrast color. Not a chance at all. It's not about the color.
    Those are my colors now:


    What I understood is that it is remaining "behind" those layers - even though it is supposed to be at the top.

    As you can see, there is this gap - I turned on the outside bar limit of absorbs. It's pretty much visible when it is outside because there's nothing to be in front of this color. I believe that's why I only see when I decrease the opacity of the backgroun color.


    Please help.

  • wizykemy added a tag Waiting Dec 18, 2023
  • BuurmanDeBuurman posted a comment Dec 20, 2023

    This has been an issue for me as well since BfA. I had reported it back then too. If you actually unlock the frames and go to party and uncheck and recheck every option 'Incoming Heals', 'Incoming Absorbs' and 'Heal Absorbs'. You see that they are actually all overlapping. Where as on my player frame they are shown side by side. 

    I would also love for this to be looked at because it's my only detractor from SUF, but it's a pretty vital thing for healing and tanking. 

  • BuurmanDeBuurman posted a comment Dec 20, 2023

    If you disable the opacity of the background/border, you can see that the absorb is hidden behind the background. So this is not layering correctly. I know you are busy with other addons, but if you could please resolve this, I know it would make a lot of people happy.

  • BuurmanDeBuurman posted a comment Dec 20, 2023

    @wizykemy after trying to find a workaround for a good 4 hours, I've found the setting that might help you until this is fixed. 

    In the SUF General settings, go all the way down to bars and check 'Override color' and then set the 'Bar alpha' to 95%.

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