curable spells incorrectly shown #1939

  • Defect
  • Hollo6 created this issue Jan 21, 2023

    On a priest, if Improved Purify is not talented, Disease type auras are still being shown as curable.

  • Hollo6 added a tag Defect Jan 21, 2023
  • Hollo6 posted a comment Sep 27, 2023

    This bug still exists. Also applies to Resto Druid if Improved Nature's Cure is not talented, the unit frames still show Curses and Poisons as curable.


    Could you please fix this?

  • Hollo6 posted a comment Oct 4, 2023

    I have fixed the table for all talents (almost, I don't know how to incorporate Poison Cleansing Totem and the other talent's combos nicely).

    Evoker was already OK, won't show bleeds but no clue how that would be possible.


    ["DRUID"] = {[392378] = {"Magic", "Curse", "Poison"}, [88423] = {"Magic"}, [2782] = {"Curse", "Poison"}},
    ["PRIEST"] = {[390632] = {"Magic", "Disease"}, [527] = {"Magic"}, [32375] = {"Magic"}, [213634] = {"Disease"}},
    ["PALADIN"] = {[393024] = {"Poison", "Disease", "Magic"}, [4987] = {"Magic"}, [213644] = {"Poison", "Disease"}},
    ["SHAMAN"] = {[383016] = {"Curse", "Magic"}, [77130] = {"Magic"}, [51886] = {"Curse"}, [383013] = {"Poison"}},
    ["MONK"] = {[388874] = {"Poison", "Disease", "Magic"}, [115450] = {"Magic"}, [218164] = {"Poison", "Disease"}},



    The following is very ugly but fixes Posion Cleansing totem as well:


    ["SHAMAN"] = {[383016] = {"Curse", "Magic"}, [77130] = {"Magic"}, [51886] = {"Curse"}},


    local function checkCurableSpells()
    if( not curableSpells ) then return end


    for spellID, cures in pairs(curableSpells) do
    if( IsPlayerSpell(spellID) or IsSpellKnown(spellID, true) ) then
    for _, auraType in pairs(cures) do
    Units.canCure[auraType] = true
    if ( playerClass == "SHAMAN" and IsPlayerSpell(383013) ) then
    Units.canCure["Poison"] = true

    Edited Oct 4, 2023

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