1440p + UiScale Addon bugs anchoring #1928

  • Defect
  • skulldir created this issue Jan 15, 2023

    I play at 1440p, and I use a UiScale Addon, that sets the ui scale to .533 because blizzard is dumb and doesnt realize that people play the game at resolutions higher than 1080p.  What seems to be happening in the video below is that the ui scale from the addon (the entire lua code of the addon is also below, it is very simple / lightweight just to be able to get a pixel perfect).  I think that the uiscale addon is setting the ui scale after SUF registers, it and unlocking/unlocking frames reloads ui scale for suf. As I believe that the uiscale addon that I have is rather common for people that use 1440p, I would hope there is a reasonlable fix :).  If anything can be done that would be great.



    local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)f:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event) UIParent:SetScale(0.53) -- change the size and reload your ui (/reloadui) or restart the game f:UnregisterAllEvents()end)



  • skulldir added a tag Defect Jan 15, 2023

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