TextTags not fully customizable/options gone #1146

  • Forge_User_26847689 created this issue Jul 21, 2018

    With the recent update the options to alter text truncation width and position offset on unit frames are gone. The option to alter size still is there and works. Problem exists with custom text too.

  • nevcairiel posted a comment Jul 21, 2018

    Nothing like that should have changed. Where did you expect those options to be?

  • Forge_User_26847689 posted a comment Aug 11, 2018

    I recall the option to truncate/alter position to be under Specific Frame(e.g. Target) -> Text -> Specific Text (e.g. HP) and then you get to change the size/truncation width and position and the help text actually states that you can change truncation and position, but the options simply aren't there. Only the option to change the size for the text is there, even with custom texts. I am attaching a screenshot for clarification on what I mean/where that option used to be/what help text I refer to.


    Suf missing option example

  • Forge_User_26847689 edited title Aug 11, 2018
  • Max_Xevious posted a comment Aug 15, 2018

    Yeah I am having this issue, the options to offset the text tags in the units is not there any longer.


    I used to move my test to the top and bottom of the frame, that option is no longer available. 

  • Max_Xevious posted a comment Aug 18, 2018

    I have another computer where I still have the option, but on my main box it is missing like the image above. Not sure why its showing up on one computer but not the other.


    edit: I should mention that the install on my main box is fresh, the whole wow install and addons. The image below is from an older install that I have been playing on for the past few years.

    Both addons installs are up to date via Twitch


    Edited Aug 18, 2018
  • Max_Xevious posted a comment Aug 18, 2018

    ok I am feeling a bit silly right now, You need to have the advanced options enabled under the General tab for the above options to work


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