[Suggestion] Inline absorb/healabsorb bars #1075

  • Forge_User_69649376 created this issue Oct 30, 2017

    There is only one thing that Zperl does better than SUF imo, and that is the way it handles absorb / heal absorb bars. Here's an example : 



    Having full health doesn't prevent the absorb part to be shown inside the bar, since the maximum is now counted as maxhealth+absorb.


    Instead of having a bar out to the right, we could have two colored absorb + heal absorb bars anchored to the health bar, with a proportional length.


    I've only got basic programming knowledge, but I figure getting the length could look something like


    if ( healthcur + absorb + healthabsorb <= healthmax ) then
    	total = healthmax
    	total = healthcur + absorb + healthabsorb
    healthcurlength = healthcur / total
    absorblength = absorb / total
    healthabsorblength = healthabsorb / total

    I tried the inline absorb addon extension that was made by another user, it's good for having a visible absorb bar while in full health without sacrificing space to the right of the frames, but far from ideal.

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