Arcane Charges visual bug #1067

  • Forge_User_84093261 created this issue Jul 31, 2017



    when the "Show Background" option for the Arcane Charges Widget is activated there appears a visual artifact next to the Arcane Charges bar. It looks like the bar is "extended" and goes outside the actual unit frame (kind of looks like there are four and a half Arcane Charges and the half charge is going outside the frame). This bug will start showing up once the interface is reloaded after ticking the "Show Background" option, and it will only disappear once the option is unticked and the interface reloaded again. I tried pretty much all possible options, including the advanced ones, nothing fixed it. I also uninstalled and reinstalled SUF, but it appears to be a bug in the code and not just some corrupted file.


    Please fix this :(

  • Forge_User_84093261 added an attachment Arcane Charges bug.jpg Aug 1, 2017

    Screenshot of the bug

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