Absorb graphic not displayed on HP bars for Player, other frames? Tested on Warrior, w/ "Ignore Pain" Absorb ability. #1062

  • RanceJustice created this issue Jul 2, 2017

    Thank you for this excellent addon  - I have been a long time user!  As it seemed there was no reply to my request in the comments, I wanted to make a formal Issue to see if this was a bug, missing a feature, or I simply did not toggle things on by default


    When tanking as a Warrior two of the primary mitigations are Shield Block and Ignore Pain ( http://www.wowdb.com/spells/190456-ignore-pain ) . When it comes to Ignore Pain, it seems to be considered an Absorb.  The default Blizzard "tiny, under the player avatar's feet" personal unit frame shows a bit of a "blue glow" superimposed over the green HP bar when Ignore Pain is up, identifying the amount that can be Absorbed.


         However,  SUF does not seem to show any graphic on the Player frame (or any other frame it seems, at least Target and Target of Target doesn't seem to show it either if I recall)  regarding the amount of the HP bar that is affected by the Absorb?  Is this an option that needs to be enabled somewhere? I thought it may be included by default since the "Blizzard mini under-foot frame" includes it.   I am told by friends that play healers that there is a a graphic or some sort of highlighting for Absorbs that changes the HP bar in SUF, isn't there? Is it active by default and if so on what frames?   If so, then SUF must have some support for a graphical HP Bar change during Absorb.

    Thus, it seems there should be some way to make Absorbs visible when playing my Warrior (in Tank and/or DPS mode) as well; it would be a big help to see Ignore Pain on my Player frame directly at least.    Does anyone know how to activate this ?   If this is something that  is not activated specifically because of Class and/or Spec, then I would ask that such effects be set by default for Warrior at least in Protection spec. Thank you.

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