Fade when out of range malfunctioning #1051

  • Forge_User_50995515 created this issue May 14, 2017

    Hi, I'm having the isse that the fade when out of range option only works for a very short time before it instead fades out everyone in my raid or party despite them very clearly being in range.


    I can't quite pinpoint what's causing it, seems to happen very quickly during raids though. Might be loading screens or combat or changing zones, not sure.


    If you had any idea what could cause this I'd be thankful, otherwise if you need more information I'd gladly comply.



  • Forge_User_50995515 edited description May 14, 2017
  • roganmaster posted a comment Jul 15, 2017

    Having the same issue, players in raid appear out of range when they are within the default range setting. A quick /reload usually solves it but zoning into a raid usually gives me this problem until I reload my UI.

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