Take into account parry/dodge dim.returns #80

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser2025245
  • _ForgeUser1187967 created this issue Jun 26, 2013

    It would be lovely if there were a way to take into account "the macro" for DK, Warrior, and Paladin tanks with regard to the proper balance of dodge and parry to minimize diminishing returns.

    "The macro" is:

    /run d=GetDodgeChance() n=3.22 b=5.01 if UnitRace("player")=="Gnome" then n=n-.01 end if UnitRace("player")=="Night Elf" then b=b+2 end p=235.5*d/90.6425-((235.5/90.6425)*b-n)+4 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Ideal parry: "..string.format("%.2f",p))

  • _ForgeUser1187967 added the tags New Enhancment Jun 26, 2013

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