Refuses to Calculate Correct Ouput #54

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Assigned to _ForgeUser2025245
  • _ForgeUser2861435 created this issue Feb 17, 2013

    Reforgelite no longer works for me. When I press calculate it does some very strange things, I'm not even sure what it's doing. I have tried to explain my issue here:!

    I'm going to go into a little more detail.

    I reforge manually to frost (because Reforgelite has stopped working), I want to go back to arcane. I set the preset to be arcane. The priority list updates however when I press calculate, there are no changes. None at all. If I then set the hit target to +2, and press calculate it updates and gives me the correct reforge for 12% hit. However, if I then toggle back to +3 hit target, recalculating the reforge again does nothing at all.

    I then went back to set my preset to frost. The priority list updates, but when I press calcalute, not only does it suggest I should reforge haste to hit (which is wrong), it also tells me that I do actually have that reforge on my gear already when I don't.

    Have a look:

    My belt has currently mastery -> hit which is correct for frost. Reforge rates mastery as the least and haste as the most value. The output is telling me that I should reforge haste on my belt to hit and it also says that I currently have this reforge; BOTH OF THIS ARE WRONG!

    I have no idea what to do? Reforgelite is completely useless to me, it does nothing it's supposed to do!

    I have tried reinstalling/deleting settings but this does NOT fix anything!!

  • _ForgeUser2861435 added the tags New Defect Feb 17, 2013
  • Wevah posted a comment Feb 21, 2013

    This happens to me fairly often as well. I have to fiddle with things and/or exit/reopen WoW to get it to start working again. Bad data caching maybe?

    Edited Feb 21, 2013

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