Curse and release version #266

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Assigned to whitetooth3
  • _ForgeUser733470 created this issue Oct 26, 2012

    am not sure who is making these updated Alpha builds to make it compatible with MOP , but when you find a stable or near stable version made as you see fit , could you please send them to Curse aswell :) , allot of us like this addon and would love to see it back in our MOP adventure's and ofc i guess many use curse client to update their addons by now so it would make things easier :D , ty

  • _ForgeUser733470 added the tags New Other Oct 26, 2012
  • mcremor posted a comment Oct 27, 2012

    I'm one of the persons creating the Alpha builds. The only one who can create a Beta or Release version is Whitetooth (the original author of the addon) but he hasn't been online on WowAce for more than a year now.

    But this is not really a problem. Just configure your Curse Client to download the Alpha versions (right click on addon -> Preferred Release Type -> Alpha).

  • _ForgeUser733470 posted a comment Oct 27, 2012

    hmmm , well there must be a option to contact the site's admin's and in,form that whitethooth is MIA and that you should get the options to become a " regent " if you can say so to update and maintain the addon even if he remains the actaul author ?

  • mcremor posted a comment Oct 27, 2012

    Yes, this is possible. But only if you are willing to be the maintainer for a longer timespan. I'm usually just a translator and have no knowledge of the inner workings of RatingBuster or LibStatLogic-1.2. Therefore I also don't want to maintain it (other than the deDE translations and some easy fixes).

    Most of the fixes in LibStatLogic-1.2 were done by JackTripper because he also uses this library in two of his addons. But he also said that he doesn't want to be a full maintainer of LibStatLogic-1.2.

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