Firelands Mounts not tracking #381

  • Sukamiii created this issue Apr 6, 2020

    If you're reporting a problem, please ALWAYS include the following information or I won't be able to help you!  (Suggestions or feature requests need not use this template)

    • Addon version (Example: r664-alpha)
    • Did you RESTART the game after updating the addon? (Make sure to exit and close fully the client, and not just reload your UI, to detect newly-added files)
    • Steps to reproduce the error or unwanted behaviour (If the addon won't load, make sure to enable script errors!)
    • Any other information you consider relevant or helpful in solving the problem (Screenshots, expected behaviour, things you already tried to fix the issue...)

     Thank you for understanding! It's not always easy to troubleshoot problems. Please don't make it more difficult by disregarding these suggestions.

     I have the latest version they where tracking for awhile but it stopped out of no where ive done 5 more times and still doesn't track at all only firelands

  • Cakechart posted a comment Apr 7, 2020

    Thanks, that issue has already been reviewed a while ago:


    Unfortunately it appears that Blizzard broke the statistics when they introduced the Timewalking version of this raid. As a result, attempts are only counted sometimes. The pets should still be tracked properly after a workaround I added, however the two mount bosses still rely on statistics.


    Using the same workaround for them would cause past attempts to no longer be calculated correctly, so I decided to not change it as people will generally be more interested in their (past) mount attempts to be recognized than they care about the pets that were added retroactively (and have a much higher drop rate, too).


    You can report this as a bug ingame, but there's no saying if/when it will be fixed.

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