Not able to move Proximo or open options by clicking. #4

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to picpok
  • _ForgeUser6236566 created this issue Jan 4, 2011

    Submitted Via

    Curse Client, Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0

    Installed Version

    beta v2.43


    Cannot move the addon. It is stuck in the top left. I am not able to right click to open menu options either. Date: 2011-01-04 12:26:41 ID: 3 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\AddOns\Proximo\frame.lua line 86: attempt to index global 'this' (a nil value) Debug: [C]: ? Proximo\frame.lua:86: Proximo\frame.lua:85 AddOns: Swatter, v3.2.3 (<%codename%>) Ace3, v ACP, v3.3.12 Atlas, v1.18.0 AtlasBattlegrounds, v1.18.0 AtlasDungeonLocs, v1.18.0 AtlasOutdoorRaids, v1.18.0 AtlasTransportation, v1.18.0 AtlasLoot, vv6.01.02 AtlasLootBurningCrusade, vv6.01.02 AtlasLootCataclysm, vv6.01.02 AtlasLootClassicWoW, vv6.01.02 AtlasLootCrafting, vv6.01.02 AtlasLootWorldEvents, vv6.01.02 AtlasLootWrathoftheLichKing, vv6.01.02 Auctionator, v2.8.6 Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.130 BadBoy, v6.300 BadBoyCCleaner, v3.12 BadBoyLevels, v2.75 Bagnon, v2.14.0 BagnonConfig, v BagnonForever, v1.1.2 BagnonTooltips, v Bartender4, v4.4.2 BonusScanner, v5.4.0 Configator, v5.1.DEV.286 DBMCore, v DBMPvP, v Gatherer, v3.2.3 GearScore, v4.1.02 Grid, v1.40000.1370 GridManaBars, v1.04 GridStatusRole, v1.3.1 GridUnitMenu, v30300.1 HealBot, v4.0.3.6 Mapster, v1.4.0 MoveAnything, v11.4.5 NugComboBar, v Omen, v3.1.0 OmniCC, v4.0.waffles11 OmniCCConfig, v Outfitter, v5.1.2 Postal, v3.4.4 Proximo, v2.3 RatingBuster, v Recount, v sct, v6.2 sctd, v3.1 SexyMap, v SlideBar, v3.2.3 (<%codename%>) SpartanUI, v2.6.1.30300 SpartanUIFilmEffects, v2.6.0.30300 SpartanUISpinCam, v2.6.0.30300 TipTac, v10.12.05 TipTacItemRef, v10.12.06 TipTacTalents, v10.11.23 Titan, v5.0.1.40000 - Revision 485 TitanBag, v5.0.1.40000 TitanClock, v5.0.1.40000 TitanGold, v5.0.1.40000 TitanLocation, v5.0.1.40000 TitanLootType, v5.0.1.40000 TitanPerformance, v5.0.1.40000 TitanRepair, v5.0.1.40000 TitanVolume, v5.0.1.40000 TitanXP, v5.0.1.40000 URMapCoords, v4.0.3 XPerl, v3.1.1 XPerlArcaneBar, v XPerlCustomHighlight, v XPerlOptions, v XPerlParty, v XPerlPartyPet, v XPerlPlayer, v XPerlPlayerBuffs, v XPerlPlayerPet, v XPerlRaidAdmin, v XPerlRaidFrames, v XPerlRaidHelper, v XPerlRaidMonitor, v XPerlRaidPets, v XPerlTarget, v XPerlTargetTarget, v BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v4.0.3.40000 <us> (ck=7b9)

    Steps to Reproduce

    right clicking to open options, or alt clicking to drag.

    Installed Addons

    Ace3 - Release-r981 Addon Control Panel - 3.3.12 Atlas - Atlas v1.18.0 Atlasloot Enhanced - v6.01.02 Auctionator - Version 2.8.7 BadBoy: Anti Spam Automatic Reporter - v6.400 BadBoy_CCleaner: Filter Crap From Chat - v3.20 BadBoy_Levels: Filter Whispers By Level - v2.76 Bagnon - 2.14.0b (No Guild Bank) Bartender4 - 4.4.15 Deadly Boss Mods - Deadly Boss Mods 4.70-r4833 Gatherer - 3.2.3 gChat - v1.8.24 GearScore / PlayerScore - GearScore 4.1.02 Grid - 1.40000.1403 GridManaBars - v1.03 GridStatusRole - 1.3.1 GridUnitMenu - 40000.0 Mapster - 1.4.0 MoveAnything - 11.4.5 NugComboBar - NugComboBar 4.0.2 Omen Threat Meter - v3.1.0 OmniCC - 4.0.waffles11 Outfitter - 5.1.2 Postal - v3.4.5 Proximo - beta v2.43 RatingBuster - 1.6.2 Recount - v4.0.1e release ScrollingCombatText - v6.51 SCT - Damage - v6.5 SexyMap - v1.2.4 SpartanUI - 2.6.1 TipTac - 10.12.06 Titan Panel - URMapCoords (Uncle Roald's Map Coords) - URMapCoords 4.0.3 X-Perl UnitFrames - 3.1.1 Release

  • _ForgeUser6236566 added the tags New Defect Jan 4, 2011

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