Cryolysis 2

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

<center>Cryolysis 2</center>

Cryolysis 2 has been discontinued. Cryolysis 3 is its successor and can be found at


Cryolysis 2 is sphere mod for mages that automates many common tasks and provides for an easy to use interface for casting spells. Cryolysis 2 provides you with a 10 circular buttons that surround an larger center sphere. The buttons are as follows:

  • Food and Water: Allows easy conjuring, trading, and consuming of food and water.
  • Mana Gem: Allows easy conjuring and consuming of mana gems.
  • Evocation: Dedicated button for using Evocation.
  • Mount: Allows easy use of your mounts.
  • Teleport and Portal Menu: Organizes and provides easy access to your teleport and portal spells. Each city has it's own button.
  • Buff Menu: Organizes your buffs into one easy to use menu. Buff buttons also have reagent counts where applicable.
  • Custom Buttons: Three completely customizable buttons that can be assigned to spells, items, or macros.

Cryolysis 2 also comes with a full configuration menu that can be accessed by right-clicking the main center sphere, or by typing /cryo in chat.
Additional features include:

  • Funny messages when using your mounts, teleports, portals, and several other spells. These can be toggled on and off as desired.
  • Automatic reagent restocking

Past Versions

Cryolysis 2 is now the official release download.
Barring any unforeseen problems, Cryolysis 1 ("Revived", "Reborn", "New Beginning") will no longer be updated/supported. If there is a specific reason(s) you're using Version 1 and need a hot fix to keep it working, you can post here in comments (make sure you note that you are referring to Version 1) or send any member of the team a private message through Curse (list is in the top right corner), and we will try to implement fixes as time permits.


  • Configuration Menu
    To open the Configuration Menu, right-click the Main-Sphere. If you have hidden the main sphere, you can get a list of of commands by typing "/cryo".
  • Custom Buttons
    Custom buttons can now use either spells, items, or macros. Make sure when setting up the custom buttons that you select the correct type (ie: spell, macro, item) and that you press Enter after typing in the name. If you don't press enter, your changes will not be saved.
  • Spell Timers
    Timers have not been implemented yet. As such, the spell timers option should be turned off in the configuration menu for now. These will be implemented sometime after patch 2.4.
  • Messages/Speeches
    Currently, Short Messages have not been implemented. There are a number of different options to display random messages:
    • USER: Messages will display for you only. Mildly useless, but the functionality is there.
    • WORLD: Messages will display for /raid, bar that /party, bar that /say.
    • GROUP: Messages will display for /raid, bar that /party, bar that it will remain silent. Old Cryo1 Behavior.
    • RAID: Messages will display for /raid, bar that it will remain silent.
    • PARTY: Messages will display for /party, bar that it will remain silent.
    • SAY: Messages will display in /say.
  • Localizations
    To help localise Cryo2 in your language, download Cryo2 from WoWAce, edit your locale file in the /locales/ and send it to us. Files should be encoded in utf-8.

Other Info

User input is very important, so please post here anything related to the mod's functionality with as much detail as possible. Please only post Cryolysis 2 errors, as the original Cryolysis will no longer be getting updated Thanks.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 18, 2007
  • Last Released File
    Jul 21, 2008
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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