Add button to send BoE gear #337

  • Zimzarina created this issue Feb 25, 2023

    addonaddictblabla had the following idea. "Please add icon for posting Gear similar to profession materials. With introduction of grey gear transmog, it became necessary for a lot of people to mail items to others / alts to use as transmog. Having a button to send BoE gear would be fantastic."

  • addonaddictblabla posted a comment Feb 27, 2023

    Currently posting 1-2 full mailboxes worth of grey items manually every 1-2 days to send to an alt :) this would be a huge QoL for many I would say!

  • addonaddictblabla posted a comment May 10, 2023

    Any update on this or at least confirmation it will be added?

    Right now Ctrl+click puts grey items + grey TRASH

    This is such a pain in the butt.

    Shouldnt it be relatively simple to add this feature? Quite literally just grey equippable armor gets treated separately.



  • Zimzarina posted a comment May 15, 2023

    I am still considering this along with other requests to QuickAttach.  I am not going to get into the details, but this is not that simple.

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