Fading target unit frames #1171

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to ckknight
  • _ForgeUser18182205 created this issue Oct 14, 2016


    If this has been requested already I apologize, I was unable to find anything on it.

    This is a rather small, silly request the current lack of which nevertheless bugs the heck out of me; fading in and out target unit frames.

    Allow me to explain:

    When my character is out of combat, has full health and is currently not targetting anything (be it friend or foe, or neither), her unit frame fades away in an extremely satisfying manner. The same setup is, sadly, not true for my target's unit frames. Copying the fader-setup that I use for my character's unit frame did not work, at least not entirely - it only works when switching between targets.

    Simply put, I am wondering if there is a possibility to add a feature that lets target, target's target, focus target, etc., unit frames fade in and out when you select or de-select something.

    Thank you for your time.

  • _ForgeUser18182205 added the tags New Enhancment Oct 14, 2016

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