add "myself" pseudo-class #98

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to ckknight
  • _ForgeUser2541017 created this issue May 23, 2009

    I suggest adding a new color for the pseudo-class "myself".  Or adding an override for coloring that indicates "myself" and overrides that normal class colors.

    When I'm tanking, I often use the color of the target-of-target frame as a quick sanity check that the mob I have targeted is hitting me and hasn't been pulled off by some other character.  Often I do this check as I'm tabbing or clicking through mobs in a large aoe pull, so I really am only glancing at the color of the target-of-target frame before doing some aggro move and going on to the next mob.  If the group contains a dps character of the same class, this quick glance may give a false positive because I see the other character who has the same class and thus the same color.

    If it were possible to configure the target-of-target frame to display a special color on the health bar to indicate "myself" as opposed to my class color, it would make the sanity check more reliable.

    I figure there's no reason to restrict this just to the target-of-target frame, though.  (Offhand, I can see target-of-focus being useful too.)

  • _ForgeUser2541017 added the tags New Enhancment May 23, 2009

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