Unable to create compound conditionals #222

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  • Enhancment
Assigned to ckknight
  • _ForgeUser1822745 created this issue Jan 7, 2012

    I'd like to be able to create a trigger based on compound conditionals. This appears to be available to a limited degree in with the Primary (Logical OR) and Secondary (Logical AND) conditionals. However, none of the conditionals I need are in the list of Secondary.

    Here is an example:

    Criteria for showing: I have damaged my target with a pyroblast (cast, not dot) crit.

    It needs as far as I can see:

    Outgoing Cast: Pyroblast
    Outgoing Crit
    Outgoing Damage > 30000 (As otherwise pyroblast periodical crits cause it to trigger - This isn't ideal either as some boss mechanics massively magnify all damage, it'd be better if it could be set so that it was casts only, not dots))

    All 3 of those are in primary. So they are OR. I can't see a way to do this.

  • _ForgeUser1822745 added the tags New Enhancment Jan 7, 2012

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