Mounted suggestion #40

  • Enhancment
  • Started
Assigned to yssaril
  • _ForgeUser5891729 created this issue Oct 20, 2010

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?

    Possible tracking of spec. I play a paladin as Prot and Ret. I have a custom macro in mounted to cast Devotion aura and dismount when i hit the bind. However I have to choose a different Macro when I am in Ret spec so i dismount with Retribution aura. This change would only be useful to paladins.

    Please provide any additional information below.

    I had been using my own /castrandom macros before but I love mounted and the ability to choose any mount instead of only a few I can fit into the 255 character limit.

  • _ForgeUser5891729 added the tags New Enhancment Oct 20, 2010
  • yssaril posted a comment Oct 21, 2010

    in the next version of mounted you can script in new macro states and global overwrites so that will be possible (though you will need knowledge of lua and the wowapi)

  • yssaril removed a tag New Oct 21, 2010
  • yssaril added a tag Started Oct 21, 2010

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