LUA nil Error #25

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to whitetooth3
  • LarryGatlin created this issue Aug 31, 2012

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1.program loads

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    no error, get error message

    What version of the product are you using?
    Current as of today

    Do you have an error log of what happened?
    1x libs\LibStatLogic-1.2\LibStatLogic-1.2-102.lua:380: attempt to index local "L" (a nil value)
    libs\LibStatLogic-1.2\LibStatLogic-1.2-102.lua:380: in main chunk

    Please provide any additional information below.

  • LarryGatlin added the tags New Defect Aug 31, 2012
  • _ForgeUser581183 posted a comment Aug 31, 2012

    What locale are you running? e.g.:

    /dump GetLocale()

    might return


    And just for the hell of it, try again with the current version of LibStatLogic:


    There's been 5 updates since then; but i still think you're in a Locale that i've never heard of.

    Edited Aug 31, 2012
  • LarryGatlin posted a comment Aug 31, 2012

    enUS, and now the error is 1x libs\LibStatLogic-1.2\LibStatLogic-1.2-107.lua:270: attempt to index global "PatternLocale" (a nil value) libs\LibStatLogic-1.2\LibStatLogic-1.2-107.lua:270: in main chunk


    I am trying to get Ratingbuster working, my programming expertise is In Visual, so doing a ton of learning how the LUA stuff works.

  • _ForgeUser581183 posted a comment Aug 31, 2012

    It's almost like you're missing the enUS.lua file:


    lib.xml is directs wow to load \Locales\Locales.xml and then load the main *LibStatLogic.lua` code file:

    • `<Include file="Locales\\Locales.xml"/>
    • <Script file="LibStatLogic-1.2.lua"/>

    And Locales.xml instructs WoW to load enUS.lua localization file (and then all the other locale files):

    • <Script file="enUS.lua"/>
    • <Script file="deDE.lua"/>
    • <Script file="enGB.lua"/>
    • <Script file="esES.lua"/>
    • <Script file="esMX.lua"/>
    • <Script file="frFR.lua"/>
    • <Script file="koKR.lua"/>
    • <Script file="ruRU.lua"/>
    • <Script file="zhCN.lua"/>
    • <Script file="zhTW.lua"/>

    So the file load order should be:

    • lib.xml
    • Locales.xml
    • enUS.lua
    • LibStatLogic-1.2.lua

    And LibStatLogic-1.2.lua depends on two variables that are in enUS.lua:

    PatternLocale = {};
    DisplayLocale = {};

    Are you including LSL as a TOC?

    so doing a ton of learning how the LUA stuff works.

    Hey, you and me both. Lua, and WoW's frame API, makes me want to gouge out my eyeballs with a keyboard.

    Edited Aug 31, 2012
  • LarryGatlin posted a comment Aug 31, 2012

    I was just using what the RatingBuster addon puts into the Addon Directory. I had the main addon working than all of a sudden started getting the errors in the labstatlogic. The error generated just as I load wow now is

    7x RatingBuster\RatingBuster-1.6.7.lua:1893: attempt to index field "?" (a nil value) RatingBuster\RatingBuster-1.6.7.lua:1893: in main chunk


    2x libs\LibStatLogic-1.2\LibStatLogic-1.2-107.lua:270: attempt to index global "PatternLocale" (a nil value) libs\LibStatLogic-1.2\LibStatLogic-1.2-107.lua:270: in main chunk

    Thank you for Fixing RatingBuster, works like a champ Locals:

    It worked find before Tuesday, so scratching head!!

    Thanks for the information though

    Edit: Gonna have to dig deeper and more learning to figure which errors are happening first, maybe in the ratingbuster itself. Not so cut and dried as my!

    Where best resources to read up on all this?

    Jack, thank you for fixing Ratingbuster, works like a champ again

    Edited Aug 31, 2012
  • _ForgeUser581183 posted a comment Aug 31, 2012

    <<reply 920423="">>

    Does RatingsBuster not include LibStatLogic as a sub-folder (i.e. a library)?

    It would be odd for RatingsBuster to place LibStatLogic as a separate addon in the addons folder; when it's actually a library.

    i know LibStatLogic has its own TOC file, but i cannot imagine why it's there.

  • ZealVurte posted a comment Sep 9, 2012

    Seeing the same issue in r120 (after fixing the syntax error). Chucked in some print debugs, and it would seem enUS.lua is not getting loaded before LibStatLogic-1.2.lua for whatever reason.

    Edited Sep 9, 2012

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