- Active Panel Subfolders Suggestion - #9

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to moonfann
  • _ForgeUser2091376 created this issue Apr 12, 2009

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?

    Well, I use kgpanels alot when making interfaces and such, and I thought would be a great idea is to have 'subfolders' of sorts. When I say 'subfolders', I was thinking allowing creation of subfolders in your 'active panels' menu, so you can throw your 'X' panels in your 'X' subfolder under active panels, so it allows for better organization. I probably have around 50 panels in my current UI and its hard for me to distinguish from each other even though they are named, I have to randomly unlock and lock to see what I got, and why I thought this would be a great idea of having subfolders that you can create/name/and place active panels inside so its easier to organize all the panels created.

    Thank you for your time and consideration in this implementation :P

    -Ferous/Electrify/Tutifruti of [H] Hydraxis.

  • _ForgeUser2091376 added the tags New Enhancment Apr 12, 2009

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